Dr. Zsuzsanna Ignácz

Plastic Surgeon

  • E-mail: igzsu@yahoo.com
  • Fax: 00 36 95 521 033
  • Web: www.medical-plasztika.hu



Rhinoplasty After the eyes, your nose is the most prominent feature on your face. Surgery to improve the appearance of the nose is called rhinoplasty. In rhinoplasty, the surgeon seeks to create a more harmonious facial appearance while maintaining or improving the breathing function of your nose. Rhinoplasty is often performed with other cosmetic procedures such as cheek or chin implants to achieve a more balanced and harmonious look.


Skin type, age, ethnic background and other variables affect the appearance of your nose. The initial consultation provides the opportunity to discuss your specific needs, expectations, as well as the probable outcome of your surgery. Remember, the goal of surgery is not the perfect nose, but the nose that is perfect for you!

Rhinoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia. Cosmetic nose surgery can take between one to two hours depending on the patient. Most incisions are made inside the nose where they are invisible. Occasionally, a tiny incision is made at the base of the nose between the nostrils. During the surgery will sculpt and reshape the nose to your desired new shape.

Following nose surgery, the first day should be spent in bed with the head elevated. You will have a small splint on your nose to protect it and keep it stable. Cold compresses applied to the area will help reduce the swelling. Your nose will feel stuffy and congested until the splint is removed, which is most often within a week or so and pain medication will be prescribed if needed. Normal activities may be resumed a few days following the procedure, although, strenuous activities or rubbing the nose should be avoided for several weeks.


Rhinophyma  presents as a pink, lobulated mass over the nose with superficial vascular dilation a slowly progressive condition due to hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands usually of the tip of nose often seen in cases of long-standing acne rosacea; it is not a tumor just vascular dilation; it mostly affects men past middle age. Patients seek surgeon because of the unsightly appearance of the enlargement, or obstruction in breathing and vision. Treatment consists of removing of the redundant tissue mass with a sharp knife or carbon dioxide laser and allowing the area to re-epithelialise. Sometimes, the tissue is completely excised and the operated area skin-grafted.

For more information, or to arrange a private consultation.